"All great deeds and all great thoughts have a ridiculous beginning."-Albert Camus
The joy is in the effort.
Most people think the happiness comes from getting what they want.
Maybe they work hard, save enough money and buy the shiny thing.
Only to realize once they purchase it, they soon become bored
And then need to find another shiny thing that won't bring them joy
The journey is the reward.
There is a myth of a Greek king Sisyphus who angered the gods.
His punishment was to push a great boulder up a hill for eternity.
Every time the boulder got to the top of the hill it would roll back down again.
And he would have to begin his labors anew.
What if this truly were the greatest reward the gods could bestow? And was no real punishment.
To have something to work towards forever.
To always have purpose.
To always know what the next task will and should be.
The thing about our goals, is that once we achieve them, we never stop.
There is always something more we can do.
As we reach our potential with anything, our limits expand and our potential greatens, we have to set newer more difficult goals.
This is our true nature.
As absurd and futile as it must seem. Human beings are designed for this.
All of our growth comes from putting ourselves in uncomfortable positions.
We live to be challenged.
And when there is no challenge we lose purpose, get depressed or anxious.
"The struggle itself towards the heights is enough to fill a man's heart. One must imagine Sisyphus happy."- Camus