June Member of the Month-Matthew Bruce

Coach Abbie
May 30, 2024
June Member of the Month-Matthew Bruce

Client Success Story Questionnaire  

Name: Matthew Bruce

Age: 39  

Occupation: Consultant

What is your athletic background?  

Collegiate Rower

What was your workout routine prior to CF Spero?  

Covid Era Garage Gym with my wife, Meg

What was your first experience with CrossFit? 

One of my JTACs in Afghanistan was heavily into Crossfit (circa 2012), and he got the whole team into it.

When did you start CrossFit?


Why did you choose CF Spero?  

Google search told me to!

What keeps you coming back?  

Megan peer pressures me, also I really enjoy the group aspect that pushes me to work harder and show up.

Why do you live in the Oak Park Area?

Happy wife happy life.  Megan's family is all here.

What do you do for a living?  

I consult for commercial and public sector Aerospace and Defense entities.

How do you like to spend your free time?  

Spending time outside, yard work, smoking meat, hanging with the kids.

What are one or two improvements you have seen in your life since starting CF?  

General mobility improvements, functional fitness.

What is the biggest change you have seen since starting CrossFit at Spero? 

Well, in 2012 when I started I weighed 165 lbs... so I guess I'm a bit stronger and bigger now.

What are your goals for 2024?  

275 Clean and Jerk, 50 straight Dubs, Consecutive Ring MU, 25m handstand walk.   Currently at 1/4.

What's your favorite and least favorite movement?  

Favorite: Heavy Thruster

Least Favorite: Burpee box jump over

What's your favorite meal?  

Bertolli's Pizza - Extra Thin Crust Sausage

What would you say to someone thinking about starting CrossFit at Spero?  

Don't start with Murph

Anything else you would like to share with the Spero family?

Appreciate all the pushes from the extended Spero fam to push hard during workouts!

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