October Member of the Month- Javier Gomez

Coach Abbie
September 30, 2023
October Member of the Month- Javier Gomez

Client Success Story Questionnaire  

Name: Javier Gomez

Age: 42     

Occupation: Doctor

What is your athletic background?  

Occasional soccer player and commercial gym (FFC)

What was your workout routine prior to CF Spero?  

Soccer sundays and 1-2 x per week of self guided cardio or weights

What was your first experience with CrossFit? 

I came in not knowing what to expect. However, got comfortable very quickly during on boarding and then fell in love with it.

When did you start CrossFit?

I started November 2019.

Why did you choose CF Spero?  

After looking around, I felt like Spero had the environment I liked, friendly but also challenges you, the coaches are excellent, the equipment is fantastic. The most important for me was clearly the super fun people I got to work out with.

What keeps you coming back?  

The people, It has become a way of life for me. I feel better physically and mentally when I go to Spero regularly. I also became much stronger and in better shape so that is a plus.

Why do you live in the Oak Park Area?

Its a great place for a family, plenty of things to do for fun. kids friendly and overall a nice place to live.

What do you do for a living?  

I am a Cardiologist.

How do you like to spend your free time?  

Relaxing and chatting with friends enjoying good food and drinks. On vacation, travelling abroad.

What are one or two improvements you have seen in your life since starting CF?  

I have become much stronger and in better shape than when I started.

What is the biggest change you have seen since starting CrossFit at Spero? 

I am happier with how I look and feel. I gained approx. 20 lbs. of muscle since starting!

What are your goals for 2023?  

My goal is to focus on improving technique of movements as much as possible.

What's your favorite and least favorite movement?  

Favorite: Bar Muscle-up

Least Favorite: Double Unders

What's your favorite meal?  

Grilled Ribeye

What would you say to someone thinking about starting CrossFit at Spero?  

Do it and give it time, at first it might feel overwhelming but if you give it time it will become a part of your life you cannot live without.

Anything else you would like to share with the Spero family?  

If I had to do it all over again I would choose Spero CF without a question.

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