September Member of the Month-Janae Stanton

Coach Abbie
September 2, 2024
September Member of the Month-Janae Stanton

Client Success Story Questionnaire  

Name: Janae Stanton

Age: 36 

Occupation: Portfolio Manager

What is your athletic background?  

I played volleyball, golf, and basketball through high school, and I played volleyball in college.

What was your workout routine prior to CF Spero?  

Immediately prior to Spero I was not doing a lot workout wise.  I had a rough post-partum and stopped almost all physical activity from May 2019 until I joined Spero in July 2021.  Prior to my pregnancy I was a member of a CrossFit in downtown Chicago from 2016 – 2018.

What was your first experience with CrossFit? 

My first CrossFit experience was at RiverNorth CrossFit, I got my ass kicked during a “trial” session… I was impressed watching the actual class and knew I wanted to increase my level of fitness.

When did you start CrossFit?

January 2016

Why did you choose CF Spero?  

When I first moved to Oak Park, I did a search of boxes in the area and came across Spero.  I did a drop-in class, really liked the atmosphere, and thought the programming was perfect for what I needed.

What keeps you coming back?  

The community, hands down.  I really enjoy the community aspect of CrossFit, having friends who push each other and want to see each other improve and succeed.

Why do you live in the Oak Park Area?

I came to Oak Park often for my check-ups during my pregnancy and we really liked the area.  When we made the decision to move out of our *third-floor walk-up* condo and into a single family home, Oak Park was at the top of our list.

What do you do for a living?  

I am a Portfolio Manager at a hedge fund.

How do you like to spend your free time?  

During the summer we are generally on the boat or at the beach every weekend.

During the winter we are more homebodies, but I’m trying to get the family into skiing / snowboarding this year.

What are one or two improvements you have seen in your life since starting CF?  

I am stronger and generally more fit.

What is the biggest change you have seen since starting CrossFit at Spero? 

Knowing when to push through and when to ease up, both in a workout and in life.

What are your goals for 2024?  

Pull-ups, specifically C2B pull-ups

Bigger sets of DU unbroken (~100)


Wall Walks (I can check this one off – thanks, Coach Justin!)

Increased cardio endurance

What's your favorite and least favorite movement?  

Favorite: Can I be vague and say Olympic Lifting?  Haha, but seriously, clean & jerk / snatches

Least Favorite: Burpees

What's your favorite meal?  

Healthy: Salmon, greens beans, and pearl couscous.  I think I could eat this 3x a week for dinner.

Less Healthy: Ribeye Steak, potatoes, and some sort of veggie.

What are three hobbies or things you love to do outside of the gym?

Cooking, golfing, and relaxing with friends (this is a hobby, right?)

Where is one place you would love to visit but haven't been able to yet?

I have only been out of the US to go to Canada, Mexico, and the Caribbean.  I have so many places I would love to visit!  Australia, France, Spain, and Greece to name a few.

What would you say to someone thinking about starting CrossFit at Spero?  

DO IT!  Take the plunge.  It might look intimidating, but we all have to start somewhere, and the community will support you in achieving your goals.

Anything else you would like to share with the Spero Family?

Thank you to everybody who has inspired me and pushed me to be better.

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