Dave Greene

Dave Greene

Owner/Head Coach

Husband, Father of 2 Boys, Avid BJJ Practitioner, 500lb dead, 420lb backsquat


CrossFit L-3, Precision Nutrition, USAW

About Coach

Former project manager for a construction company turned fitness/health coach. CrossFit changed my life. It showed me the tremendous good there is, in helping others become their best selves: physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually. I am now dedicated to this mission. And am proud to have helped thousands of men, women, children of all ages and ability live a healthier life.

Turning Point

I was in my mid-30s when I found CrossFit. I had the 9 to 5 job(which was really 7 to 7 most days) that took up all of my life. With little time to focus on myself, my health or my state of mind; I found that life was passing me by. And all too frequently my evenings/weekends were centered around alcohol. Planning to get married and wanting to be a father I knew that I needed to establish a "habit". I tried an intro class at CrossFit NYC and was immediately hooked. The most profound thing for me though, wasn't the impact it had on my life. It was seeing the change of mindset in others. Adults that had never been athletic accomplishing feats they had never done before. I would see the light of possibility spark in their eyes. And their reality would change, shift for the better. The realization that everything is possible, if they would just put in the work. There was hope.

Motivation & Passion

We are in the middle of a health crisis. We are programmed or lead to believe that we can live whatever lifestyle we choose and there is some pill or procedure that will make us "healthy", feel or look better. The truth is; that through a few simple habits performed on a regular basis, we can achieve true mental, physical and spiritual health. Research shows our ancestors were much more physically active on a daily basis. (Some estimate we walked an average of 10 miles a day.) The same research also suggests they were happier, more fulfilled. Is it possible we can achieve a more fulfilled life, by moving a little bit more? Absolutely! I have dedicated my life to this premise. I want to change the definition of health in this country and help everyone find(and unlock) their true potential.

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