I have been an athlete all my life. I was a skier, swimmer, sprinter, soccer player ...you name it, I've tried it! But after college I didn't have a healthy fitness regime. The demands of a career, and soon, a family pushed my health and wellness out of my priorities. I'd work out, but not really enjoy it. So I ran many races -from 5K's to half marathons, and ultimately a marathon and many, many triathlons after that. But something was missing. Sure I would get a PR here or there, but it wasn't until I tried Crossfit in 2012 that I enjoyed frequent, measurable improvements in my fitness and skillsets. I love CrossFit for many reasons. Crossfit is functional movement that is constantly varied. I never bore of CrossFit workouts! I love the sense of community and mutual respect you receive day in and day out when you sweat it out with the person next to you. We all have the same goal in mind ...we all work hard and make our health a priority in our lives. I also love that you never can "master" CrossFit. I am continuously being challenged on my skill level, whether it's Olympic weight lifting or a gymnastics skill. In a nutshell, Crossfit has been the answer to all my fitness dreams!
The turning point in my life was when my Dad lost his battle with Cancer. I realised through his death journey how much he impacted many, many people around him. His job, which he dearly loved, gave him the opportunity to affect children and parents' lives and so many of those people shared their stories with me of how my Dad positively impacted their lives. That same year of his death, my first son was born. I decided to quit my unfulfilling job as a CPA and put my energies into raising my young family. Eventually, I decided to work in the fitness industry and have been positively impacting peoples' health and wellness (something I am proud to say that I am insanely passionate about) for several years!
I love to coach mature women of a certain age :) like me. It's the proverbial "I love to teach old dogs new tricks" I find great satisfaction coaching women how to olympic weight lift, or face their fears and kick up to a handstand, or swing on a rig. It's truly joyful and uplifting to empower women to succeed at something perhaps they never knew they wanted. And I love to be a part of celebrating what women can DO with their bodies ...instead of focusing on how their bodies look. I take my coaching job very seriously and I am grateful and celebrate it everyday.